Kosmann lift

In differential geometry, the Kosmann lift,[1][2] named after Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach, of a vector field X\, on a Riemannian manifold (M,g)\, is the canonical projection X_{K}\, on the orthonormal frame bundle of its natural lift \hat{X}\, defined on the bundle of linear frames.[3]

Generalisations exist for any given reductive G-structure.



In general, given a subbundle Q\subset E\, of a fiber bundle \pi_{E}\colon E\to M\, over M and a vector field Z\, on E, its restriction Z\vert_Q\, to Q is a vector field "along" Q not on (i.e., tangent to) Q. If one denotes by i_{Q} \colon Q\hookrightarrow  E the canonical embedding, then Z\vert_Q\, is a section of the pullback bundle i^{\ast}_{Q}(TE) \to Q\,, where

i^{\ast}_{Q}(TE) = \{(q,v) \in Q \times TE \mid i(q) = \tau_{E}(v)\}\subset Q\times TE,\,

and \tau_{E}\colon TE\to E\, is the tangent bundle of the fiber bundle E. Let us assume that we are given a Kosmann decomposition of the pullback bundle i^{\ast}_{Q}(TE) \to Q\,, such that

i^{\ast}_{Q}(TE) = TQ\oplus \mathcal M(Q),\,

i.e., at each q\in Q one has T_qE=T_qQ\oplus \mathcal M_u\,, where \mathcal M_{u} is a vector subspace of T_qE\, and we assume \mathcal M(Q)\to Q\, to be a vector bundle over Q, called the transversal bundle of the Kosmann decomposition. It follows that the restriction Z\vert_Q\, to Q splits into a tangent vector field Z_K\, on Q and a transverse vector field Z_G,\, being a section of the vector bundle \mathcal M(Q)\to Q.\,


Let \mathrm F_{SO}(M)\to M be the oriented orthonormal frame bundle of an oriented n-dimensional Riemannian manifold M with given metric g\,. This is a principal {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)\,-subbundle of \mathrm FM\,, the tangent frame bundle of linear frames over M with structure group {\mathrm G\mathrm L}(n,\mathbb R)\,. By definition, one may say that we are given with a classical reductive {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)\,-structure. The special orthogonal group {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)\, is a reductive Lie subgroup of {\mathrm G\mathrm L}(n,\mathbb R)\,. In fact, there exists a direct sum decomposition \mathfrak{gl}(n)=\mathfrak{so}(n)\oplus \mathfrak{m}\,, where \mathfrak{gl}(n)\, is the Lie algebra of {\mathrm G\mathrm L}(n,\mathbb R)\,, \mathfrak{so}(n)\, is the Lie algebra of {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)\,, and \mathfrak{m}\, is the \mathrm{Ad}_{\mathrm S\mathrm O}\,-invariant vector subspace of symmetric matrices, i.e. \mathrm{Ad}_{a}\mathfrak{m}\subset\mathfrak{m}\, for all a\in{\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)\,.

Let i_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)} \colon \mathrm F_{SO}(M)\hookrightarrow  \mathrm FM be the canonical embedding.

One then can prove that there exists a canonical Kosmann decomposition of the pullback bundle i^{\ast}_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)}(T\mathrm FM) \to \mathrm F_{SO}(M) such that

i^{\ast}_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)}(T\mathrm FM)=T\mathrm F_{SO}(M)\oplus \mathcal M(\mathrm F_{SO}(M))\,,

i.e., at each u\in \mathrm F_{SO}(M) one has T_u\mathrm FM=T_u \mathrm F_{SO}(M)\oplus \mathcal M_u\,, \mathcal M_{u} being the fiber over u of the subbundle \mathcal M(\mathrm F_{SO}(M))\to \mathrm F_{SO}(M) of i^{\ast}_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)}(V\mathrm FM) \to \mathrm F_{SO}(M). Here, V\mathrm FM\, is the vertical subbundle of T\mathrm FM\, and at each u\in \mathrm F_{SO}(M) the fiber \mathcal M_{u} is isomorphic to the vector space of symmetric matrices \mathfrak{m}.

From the above canonical and equivariant decomposition, it follows that the restriction Z\vert_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)} of an {\mathrm G\mathrm L}(n,\mathbb R)-invariant vector field Z\, on \mathrm FM to \mathrm F_{SO}(M) splits into a {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)-invariant vector field Z_{K}\, on \mathrm F_{SO}(M), called the Kosmann vector field associated with Z\,, and a transverse vector field Z_{G}\,.

In particular, for a generic vector field X\, on the base manifold (M,g)\,, it follows that the restriction \hat{X}\vert_{\mathrm F_{SO}(M)}\, to \mathrm F_{SO}(M)\to M of its natural lift \hat{X}\, onto \mathrm FM\to M splits into a {\mathrm S\mathrm O}(n)-invariant vector field X_{K}\, on \mathrm F_{SO}(M), called the Kosmann lift of X\,, and a transverse vector field X_{G}\, called the von Göden lift of X\, .

See also


  1. ^ Fatibene L., Ferraris M., Francaviglia M. and Godina M. (1996), A geometric definition of Lie derivative for Spinor Fields, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Differential Geometry and Applications, August 28th– September 1st 1995 (Brno, Czech Republic), Janyska J., Kolář I. & J. Slovák J. (Eds.), Masaryk University, Brno, pp. 549–558
  2. ^ Godina M. and Matteucci P. (2003), Reductive G-structures and Lie derivatives, Journal of Geometry and Physics 47, 66–86
  3. ^ Kobayashi, Shoshichi; Nomizu, Katsumi (1996), Foundations of Differential Geometry, Vol. 1, Wiley-Interscience, ISBN 0470496479  (Example 5.2) pp. 55-56
